Surprise Sewing Bird baby quilt on the set of The Middle! April 28 2018
It's such a blast to see our Sewing Bird quilt kits in the wild..
Lee Chemel, director on the hit ABC comedy The Middle, made a wonderful baby quilt for one of the assistant directors! Cast and crew were invited to take part and it was done in secret so as to be a surprise. By the look on DJ's face, I think she was successful. She kindly shared details and photos of the making of this little treasure.
"When we heard that DJ’s wife was pregnant, all of us on the crew and in the cast wanted to do something special. I’d done Sewing Bird quilts before and thought we could make it a team effort. I sent a square to everyone who wanted to embroider one. I gave them the link to the sewing bird site, where there were tutorials."
"Then, for those who still needed a little help, I held “classes” in a few rooms where we weren’t shooting that day. Eden, who plays the part of Sue in the series, was one of the cast members who wanted to make a square and she said “use Sue’s room!”
So when we were sure that DJ wasn’t around, we met in that set and I would give little embroidery lessons. Even a couple of the guys joined in. "
"There were make-up and hair people, grips and carpenters and boom operators and stand-ins!"
"Patty Heaton, the star of the show, came to one of our little classes in Sue’s room and picked up on it right away, even though she had never embroidered before. "

Lee put little removable tags on each square to identify the stitcher. Everyone did an amazing job!

This whimsy image collection baby quilt kit in the green dot cotton lawn is so sweet.
Fun was had.. heirloom was made.. Yay!